With a wealth of experience in radio and television broadcasting, Sandy’s instincts about story are laser-sharp. She has hosted various talk-shows over the past decade in New York, and has become a cultural anchor in the Asian American community.
With a professional background in music and her work as artistic director for major bilateral and cross-cultural events, Sandy frequently comes face to face with some of the biggest movers and shakers on the cultural and political scenes. Some of these dialogues and conversations are chronicled through Face to Face in New York.

[Face to face in NYC]
[Face to face in NYC]
[in-depth interviews with Sandy Li]
[in-depth interviews with Sandy Li]
Celebrities + Artists + movers + shapers + Cultural icons + Thought Leaders +
Celebrities + Artists + movers + shapers + Cultural icons + Thought Leaders +
人物专访系列片《纽约面对面 Face to Face in NYC —— 晓樱专访》将带你走访美国缪斯艺术奖巨幅类唯一一位华裔获奖者、美国著名画家虞曾富美 (Marlene Yu) 的艺术人生,这位83岁的画家每天登高作画的热情从何而来?小巧玲珑的身材何以描绘出巨幅长卷?当年背着娃娃办个展发生了什么?欢迎收看。
More about Marlene at https://www.marlenetsengyu.com
Marlene Tseng Yu
“The beauty of the universe changes with time. As the days pass and the seasons change, the sky, earth, mountains and rivers repeat in patterns that are never really quite the same. In my search for the variations of the many faces in nature, I have found that nature provides an infinite source of inspiration for artistic expression. I love the many elements in our environment, be they as broad as the horizon beyond or small as cells under the microscope. In this vast setting, I hope to capture the spirit of the universe, its rhythm and movements, its quiet and angry moods, its colors and forms...” M.T.Y.
《时代广场的功夫面》人物专访:功夫厨房创始人PETER SONG 宋哲
主持人:晓樱 美国华语主持人
Peter Song(宋哲),一位来自中国辽宁抚顺的小伙子。从小就显现出众的表演天份,能唱能舞,少年时登上话剧舞台,跟随大连话剧团参加全国巡演。青年时进军CCTV央视选秀栏目“星光大道”,2006年的宋哲(Peter Song)成了星光大道上的最灿烂的热门选手。不经意间他还曾参与了电影《风声》、《画皮II》的拍摄,与周迅、李冰冰、黄晓明、赵薇、陈坤等中国一线演员同剧。用Peter的话讲:“绝对的大龙套,贼绿的绿叶。“正当演艺之路高歌挺进之时移民美国的转折让他又开始了人生另外的一种选择——打工、学习、励志在世界的十字路口时代广场开辟一个中华美食的天地。于是Kung Fu Kitchen(功夫厨房)以其传奇的方式应运而生,成为米其林推荐餐厅。又是在不经意间Peter song(宋哲)成为了纽约曼哈顿四家中餐厅的老板。生活的大舞台上这位中国小子依然在挥洒五彩缤纷的美食武功。
KUNGFU KITCHEN Chinese Restaurant /KungFu Kitchen
纽约分店一:811 8th Ave, New York, NY 10019
纽约分店二:146 E. 55th Ave, New York, NY 10022
Peter Song
Today, we come face to face with Head Chef Peter Song, a talented actor who immigrated from China, and was determined to bring authentic Northern Chinese cuisine to the U.S.
Five years ago he opened the first restaurant in Flushing, New York. Its success compelled a second restaurant to open in Hell’s Kitchen in 2013, and most recently a third was opened in Midtown East. Praised by the New York Times, Time Out New York, Cheap Eats and numerous other publications, Chinese celebrities are frequent patrons. Their signature handmade dishes includes Lan Zhou pulled noodles, Shanghai Steamed Buns (Xiao Long Bao), Duck Buns, and Pan Fried Buns. More about KungFu Kitchen at www.kfkitchennyc.com
work with us face to face
Do you have a background in filmmaking? All our sessions are filmed live in person, face to face, on a three-camera set-up, so, if film-production is your thing, we would love to see what you can do.
If you would like to be featured in our series, or know of an extraordinary person who would be a great fit for our show, please get in touch!
Face to Face in NY is a bilingual show, press inquiries are welcome at