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New York Starbright Songs of Summer Concert at Merkin Hall

We are thrilled to present Songs of Summer at Merkin Hall! This is a showcase of how Asian American choirs celebrate life through song. Featuring the New York Happy City Chorus, the New Jersey Philharmonic Chorus, Starry Arts Group Children’s Chorus, and Melody Children’s Choir. The evening features a mixed palette of musical genres and songs from different eras and global regions. From Irish and Uighur folk songs to Andrew Lloyd Webber to Italian Opera to pop songs and new works. Music is resonance - and the selected songs are all a reflection of the journeys that the singers themselves have taken, as they move around the world, physically and artistically. Some of our singers are professional and seasoned stage performers, while others are just beginning their musical journeys. "Not all who wander are lost", indeed, because in song, and in choir, these cultural adventurers located a sense of community, joy, and belonging. If you, too, understand placelessness without music, then this concert is not to be missed. 

For more information & tickets, please visit:

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